National Agricultural Technology Museum


These Event Terms (Terms) govern your purchase of tickets for, and attendance at events held by the National Agricultural Technology Museum Ltd (NATM). It is your responsibility to review these Terms prior to the purchase of tickets. By purchasing tickets you agree to be bound by these Terms.

By purchasing a ticket on behalf of someone else, you undertake to inform them of these Terms and any other terms and conditions notified at the time of sale.

We reserve the right to amend these Terms at any time, and will provide the most recent version on our website.


The health and safety of all visitors to NATM is our top priority.

Please do not visit if you have experienced cold or flu like symptoms in the past 7 days, are isolating as a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case or are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test. Stay home and take care.


  1. All ticket exchange or refund requests must be made by the ticketholder in written format via Medical documentation may be requested.
  2. Any tickets are subject to a non-refundable booking fee of $2.20 (incl. 10% GST).
  3. All exchanges are subject to ticket availability.
  4. Ticket exchanges and/or ticket name changes can be made up to 1 day before event.

Refunds are only offered for specific and unusual circumstances.

Refunds or exchanges will be offered for the following circumstances:

NATM reserves the right to deny exchanges or refunds based on the following circumstances:

If you believe you are entitled to a refund you should apply within five days after the event's scheduled commencement. If you do not seek a refund within a reasonable timeframe NATM may not provide you with the requested refund, unless required by law. Any refund payable will be made to the original purchaser, and when practicable to the original form of payment used to purchase the ticket.

Resale Restriction

You agree that NATM's tickets cannot be resold for more than 110% of the original supply cost. Tickets resold for more that this amount are subject to cancellation in accordance with our General Terms and Conditions for Tickets and Attendance at events. We may request evidence of the resale price paid in order to enforce this resale restriction. We will consider any authentic evidence which can reasonably prove that the resale price paid was no more than 110% of the original supply cost. This evidence may include:

  1. a bank statement;
  2. a resale account receipt;
  3. a tax invoice;
  4. official documentation which evidences the original acquisition cost and resale price paid; and
  5. correspondence between reseller and buyer accompanying any of the above.

Trybooking is the only authorised ticket seller for events at NATM, unless we specify on our website that there are other authorised ticket sellers for a specific event. We strongly recommend you only purchase tickets from an authorised ticket seller.

If you purchase tickets from another source you risk that these tickets are fake, void or have previously been cancelled. Purchasing tickets from an unauthorised ticket seller means that we cannot refund you if an event is cancelled, and we cannot inform you of important changes to event times, parking arrangements, and production details.


Where concessions are applicable, suitable and valid identification must be provided for collection of tickets and entry to the venue. Failure or refusal to provide valid proof of concession may result in non-admittance.


Ticket prices are inclusive of GST unless otherwise specified.

Lost Tickets
It is your responsibility to keep your tickets safe. Replacement of lost, stolen or missing tickets may be permitted at our sole discretion and fees may apply. We will not replace lost, stolen or missing tickets that have been resold.


While we endeavour to keep ticketholders informed, details may change sometimes with little or no notice. For example, the venue may change.


NATM may refuse entry to an event or have you removed from the venue on valid grounds, including if:

  1. you fail to comply with these General Terms and Conditions;
  2. we have not received payment for your ticket or you are unable to produce a ticket;
  3. you are intoxicated, or you behave in a threatening, disruptive or offensive manner;
  4. you interfere unreasonably with another visitor's enjoyment of the event or venue or with our staff carrying out their functions; or
  5. as specified elsewhere in these General Terms and Conditions.

We may need to refuse admission for safety or security reasons, in which case we will refund your ticket if it was purchased in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions.

Unless otherwise specified, we do not provide supervision of children under 12 years old. All children requiring supervision must be accompanied by a supervising adult at all times and may be refused admission or attendance if not accompanied by a supervising adult.


The use of illicit substances is prohibited. This venue has a zero-tolerance policy towards the use and possession of illicit drugs. Patrons found with illicit drugs will be refused entry, have their tickets cancelled and be referred to police.

By entering the event or venue, and using the event medical facilities, you consent (express or implied) to allow third parties to receive personal information from the medical service providers that has been obtained during treatment, during and/or after the event.

Commercial activity including promotions, marketing, photography and filming are not permitted at NATM, unless expressly authorised by us.


We reserve the right to record, broadcast and/or telecast any event at NATM and you consent to the use of any image or recording taken of you, and anyone for whom you are responsible, while on the premises. We are not obliged to use, broadcast or provide to you any such recording.


NATM will not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or injury to the extent arising from your negligent acts or omissions, any pre-existing medical condition, your breach of these terms and conditions, or your reliance on reviews and opinions about events and performers.

You should make your own further inquiries before deciding whether an event is suitable.

You are responsible for your personal possessions such as bags, mobile phones and other items you carry with you.

The Australian Consumer Law provides certain statutory guarantees for consumers which cannot be excluded, for example that services will be provided with due care and skill. Nothing in these General Terms and Conditions modifies or excludes those guarantees.


We value your feedback, both positive and negative. Please contacts us via:


These Terms shall in all respects be governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia. You submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in New South Wales to determine any matter or dispute which arises under these Terms.

If any provision of these Terms is deemed invalid or unenforceable, all or part of that provision will be severed from the Terms and will not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Terms.

No waiver of any term shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term. Any failure to assert any right under the Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right.


We may amend these Terms and conditions by updating them on our website. You should review them before seeking to purchase tickets for, or to attending events.
Last Updated: May 2022